Daily Archives: August 10, 2016

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My first hyperthermia treatment is tomorrow!

Ive been so very busy with constant IVs, detox treatments and such…  Tomorrow morning at 8am, I will go into my first full body hyperthermia treatment of the two I do here. Please pray for my nervousness to be taken away. I am emotional about it, and it’s keeping me from sleeping and enjoying life. I know without a doubt that this is the treatment that God has for us, so I will do it and be half way through after tomorrow, but I need peace. Cory needs peace. Our entire family could use extra prayers, encouragement and Gods perfect peace right now and all day tomorrow!  We are 9 hours ahead of west coast time…  So, I’ll be heading into treatment between 11:30pm- midnight in Bend.  Treatment should last about 6 hours plus admitting and recovery. It’ll seem like a long day for Cory, my parents, and kiddos here, but as soon as I’m done, someone will send out a Facebook message on my account letting everyone know how it went!

Thank you for your prayers as we kill off these nasty bugs in my body!  Doctors say this should kill them all, but we will do a second one next week just to make sure!


Today was also our little Peanuts 6th birthday and we had a great rainy day at an indoor park, had a horse themed party and picnic-style dinner on the floor of the hotel, and ate lemon and raspberry gelato cake to celebrate our joy filled little Grey Everly!

Love you all❤️

Sincerely, Dani