Daily Archives: August 4, 2016

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It’s that day…

Its that day.  The one we’ve been counting down to for a couple months now. The one that we’ve prepared so intensely for. The very day that we’ve anticipated getting here so that we can begin this journey of killing this disease off and regaining health for Cory and myself and our three kiddos. It has seemed like it took so long to get here and yet it snuck up on us.

So, we’re off…  We’re happy….  We’re together…  We have great hope…  And we have a long journey/adventure ahead of us!

Yesterday we had our FINAL pre-Germany IVs and then headed home to finish up packing and say our goodbyes to family and some special friends. Several of them stopped to pray with us before leaving and we definitely felt the LOVE!image


Please continue to pray for us, pray for safe flights tomorrow, for safe drives today and tomorrow, for all the last minute details to fall into place, for everyone to stay healthy and not catch any bugs on the planes, and for no pain episodes!

Ill be blogging as much as I can to document this treatment and our trip!  This will be he best way to keep in touch and up to date on how everything is going!

We love you all and are so blessed by your care and provision for our family!

Sincerely, Dani