….. and we’re off! It’s been a while and soooooo very much has happened. Unfortunately I’ve allowed some people’s negative comments to get further into my head than I normally do. Though I know the truth and don’t answer to anyone else, at times the thoughtless actions of others sting… it’s a great reminder to think before you speak and pray before you act, so I’m working on doing better in both those areas personally.
However, we haven’t stopped for one second with moving ahead and making lemonade from the lemons 🍋 we’ve been allowed to deal with lately.
Seattle Birthday pie and macaroons!🎉
Greys #7 in Maui!!!!🌴
Seriously… the cutest ever!
We finished up Cory, Hayden and Lucys competition paddling season with the state championships in Maui. They each did amazing and had such a great time the entire season… they are already looking forward to another season!
Grey finished up her hula lessons for now and she hopes to continue them again too! As for doctors appts, I finished up the treatment plan I was on and we are enjoying this 4-6 month stint that I’m not supposed to be needing medical attention.
Grey turned SEVEN!!! She loved having her bday in Seattle with cousins as well as in Maui with Uncle Joel and crew!
We flew home and spent about a month remodeling a used motorhome and have turned it into our home on wheels… a place all five of us can have our own space, find rest, do school, run Cory’s business, and have amazing family times full of laughter, learning, exploring and make endless memories for the next 4-5 months!!!
Saying our goodbyes to the Seattle cousins… LOVE YOU 5 GOBS!!!❤️
We got the tow dolly hooked up… now we can all ride together and not follow each other! Woop woop! 🙌
Watching Earnest Goes to Camp!
Sweet Ensley made us this welcome sign… we loved our time catching up with the Breeden’s! It’s amazing how you can pick right back up with childhood friends like there wasn’t 20 years in between visits!❤️
We are finally as of today, September 13, 2017; done with all the work of getting us ready, and we are on our way to Glacier National Park for these next three nights!!! Haydens 14th birthday is Friday and we will spend it there exploring and hiking and doing who knows what while we soak up Gpds beauty all around us… we’re hoping the smoke can clear and we can still enjoy this park to its fullest!
Our hope along this trip is to see this great country God made, learn history while living in the very places events took place, to be a helping hand where needed especially with all the devastation across the country right now, to be Gods hands and feet, to show His love to all we meet, to spread knowledge about Lyme Disease and its coinfections, to grow even closer together as a family, as a couple, and most importantly with our great God!
Thank you all for your continued prayers… we would love prayers specifically for:
-safety while traveling
-school year ahead
-provision financially
-strength for Cory holding this all together
-complete healing of Babesia in Danielle’s body
-complete healing of Lyme Disease in kiddos
Praising God for:
-this opportunity to see the USA
-Danielle is doing much better than a couple months ago!
-Friends who have let us curb-surf for the last week!
thank you Storlie’s, DeChristophers, and Breeden’s!
❤️❤️❤️WE LOVE YOU ALL❤️❤️❤️
sincerely, dani
Jeremiah 29:11-13. HE KNOWS!