Category Archives: Update

Final Full Body Hyperthermia is Tomorrow!!!


Cory trying out the awesome bed!😁 Man, I love him!💚

Another fast post… but we are about to hit the sheets and hope to sleep before our second and last full body hyperthermia!  I am not nearly as nervous as before, now that I know what to expect… but it is still such an extreme treatment with intense heat for 8 hours of sedation.  We will both be undergoing this starting at about 8am Germany time which is 11pm West Coast/ Bend time and we would  LOVE prayers tomorrow

Guess we're now both officially patients😁

Guess we’re now both officially patients😁

Please continue to pray for our littles to have peace and to be strong.  Their little hearts are so precious and I hate to see them nervous, stressed, or hurting.  So far, they seem quite good… but they also put on a strong face for me to help me be stronger too, so it is often hard to REALLY tell.

We bought them each a Lego set to help pass the time we are needing to spend resting… look at that mess/ fun!image

Please pray for my parents to have energy to take on three little balls of energy, and to be able to care for us both tomorrow too!

Please pray for safety all around, for Cory and I to have peace and for Cory not to blow a fuse due to not being able to eat for about 48 hours of time total… he is STARVING!!!!

We are so very grateful for your support financially, for your friendships, and most of all for your prayers each day!  We need more of all of it, and you are each so treasured!

Sincerely, Dani

A Great Day!!!

Today was an amazing day out on Lake Chimsee exploring a castle, riding on three ferries, five trains and walking a lot! Here’s some fun pics of our family time! And after we got back to our room… Fireworks started… Super great and exhausting day! Sleep tight!

Sincerely, Dani

PS…  Stinkin internet here won’t let me post any pics to the blog tonight, and I have sooooo many great ones!😁  Go look on my FB page and you’ll see them!😜

A long day…

Its been a super long day of treatments and a bit of rest too. I had to spend the night in a recovery room and there was very little sleep to be found in there, but I had a very sweet room mate from Holland that spoke English!

Doctors said that my treatment went great and that its like running a very very hot marathon for your body…  So, we are heading to bed soon!

Please pray for Cory as he has not been feeling good today at all…  Slept so much, stomach is in a lot of pain and he has been throwing up. I’m worried about him and he hasn’t started treatment yet😁

This afternoon, Cory and I took a beautiful and short walk through town…  Look at this pretty view…image

Tomorrow I just have two infusions and then the rest of the day is free…  Yippee!

My parents took the kiddos on a train adventure and ate delish food with them!image


We so appreciate you all following along and sharing our story, praying for us and all of your love!

Sincerely, Dani

My first hyperthermia treatment is tomorrow!

Ive been so very busy with constant IVs, detox treatments and such…  Tomorrow morning at 8am, I will go into my first full body hyperthermia treatment of the two I do here. Please pray for my nervousness to be taken away. I am emotional about it, and it’s keeping me from sleeping and enjoying life. I know without a doubt that this is the treatment that God has for us, so I will do it and be half way through after tomorrow, but I need peace. Cory needs peace. Our entire family could use extra prayers, encouragement and Gods perfect peace right now and all day tomorrow!  We are 9 hours ahead of west coast time…  So, I’ll be heading into treatment between 11:30pm- midnight in Bend.  Treatment should last about 6 hours plus admitting and recovery. It’ll seem like a long day for Cory, my parents, and kiddos here, but as soon as I’m done, someone will send out a Facebook message on my account letting everyone know how it went!

Thank you for your prayers as we kill off these nasty bugs in my body!  Doctors say this should kill them all, but we will do a second one next week just to make sure!


Today was also our little Peanuts 6th birthday and we had a great rainy day at an indoor park, had a horse themed party and picnic-style dinner on the floor of the hotel, and ate lemon and raspberry gelato cake to celebrate our joy filled little Grey Everly!

Love you all❤️

Sincerely, Dani

Day TWO…

Here we are at the end of a very busy day TWO!  We didn’t sleep a wink last night as our hospital beds are quite hard, but the staff here is so helpful and they brought me a topper and Cory a new mattress and we are hopeful that tonight will be full of deep rest!  No rest makes me more emotional than normal… and I would really like to hold it together the best I can for the kids!  Please pray for me to continue being strong for all of us, but especially those three littles that I love so much!

My morning started with blood draws bright and early, I began my antibiotic regiment, then we snuck out for a much better breakfast with the family at the hotel across the street!!!  Yay me… I struggle with hospital meals.  Then we came back and started our tests that looked something like this:

-neurological eye testing

-metabolic picture testing… they use this in the NASA program

-a heart stress test

-life quality evaluation

Then I had a short break so we came back to the hospital room and started my IV of Selenium for the next hour… then went back up to the second floor for a detox foot bath and magnetic field treatment.

We finished this all up and left for dinner again tonight and enjoyed some delicious italian food literally next door to both the hospital and hotel… I LOVE how convenient this placement in the center of town is for all of us to maximize our time together!

Mom and Daddy took the kiddos to a super fun water park and they all soaked up the sunshine as it is supposed to start raining all day for the next few days tomorrow… they all had a great time and were worn out for naps all around!

I am going to be careful posting pictures until we are back home of some specific things… but here is a recap of our day in pics… minus treatment pictures for now!

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Image 13 Image 14 Image 19 Image 24 Image 25

We love and miss you all… but are looking forward to another full day ahead and the last day we have a five year old… EVER!

P.S.  I am sooooo grateful that Cory has been able to come to each treatment with me today… helped it all feel better and less alone in it!  He’s the best and I am so richly blessed to have him!

Sincerely, Dani

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NLT

16 Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

Day ONE of Getting Better…

I finally have internet access on my laptop and can tell you about our first day in the hospital/ Klinik!  yippee!

Yesterday, Sunday August 7th was our check-in day.  We had a very hard time waking up in time for breakfast at the hotel, so Cory went and brought us all food to our room.  Thanks Babes… this 9 hour time difference has been rough on us all.  We checked into our hospital room at noon and asked when the Doctor would be by for our initial chat.  We didn’t have to be back until 5pm, so we took the kiddos to the park behind the hospital and found a fun mini golf place too!  We played the Spiel golf which is like a cross between pool and mini golf.  The park is beautiful and we soaked up all the time we could as a family!  We then went back to the hotel to rest and re-pack Cory and my belongings and arrived at the Klinik again at 5pm.

We met a wonderfully kind doctor who filled us in on what these two weeks will look like while here, she set an IV line in my arm just in case I had a seizure again.  We were then able to go back to the hotel to have dinner with my parents and kiddos… this was a surprise to us, as we thought we would have to stay here the entire time.  We said goodnight after a later dinner and unpacked our bags at about 10pm and then Cory started working for the night.  The night nurse came in to take my temperature and to give me Monday’s schedule.

Here are some pics from our fun at the park, and what our room looks like…

Image 6 Image Image 5 Image 4 Image 3 Image 2 Image 1

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Image 9

Thank you sooooooooo much for your continued prayers for all 7 of us!  We need them and feel God making ways and going before us in the little things for sure!

Sincerely, Dani

Philippians 4:4-9 NKJV

Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!

Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.

Basically… my sis made me cry! LOL

Guys… I am a MESS.  I am working on getting all my pills, vitamins, and herbals packed up and portioned out for the flights and our time in the hospital.  I am packing snacks for the drive up to Seattle and the 13 hours of flights we will have.  I was taking some time to write a few notes to friends and family that I wanted to hand them to tomorrow, and I just lost it.  Yes, I know the day has been a long one and I am not sleeping at night again… but it’s not just the end of a LONGGGGG doctor filled day.  I am emotional as tomorrow is our last day at home.  We are stepping out into this first of many phases of treatment this Thursday.  We don’t have all the answers.  We haven’t a clue what Germany even looks like, if we will have decent internet so Cory can continue working, what we will do for the kiddos meals, and on and on and on!  I am of course overwhelmed… however, I am even more so overwhelmed by the love that has been poured out towards us by so many of you.  People committing to pray for our family, safety, and healing, people helping this first phase financially, and people just saying that you’re there and reading along.

I have to point out one person though… Cory and my family has ALL jumped on this journey and have helped from the very beginning with everything from brainstorming to meals to finances and they all play such an important part in the big picture and we love each of them!  But, tonight my sister here in Bend is on my heart.  I was writing her a thank you note, which turned into an “I’m so blessed God picked me to get you as my sister” note.  Rachelle has been here tangibly every step of the way.  I have called her crying.  She is there for a hug.  She has Grey for us even right this second.  Rachelle and her hubby made our video, worked on the story with my other beautiful sis, they sacrificed countless hours filming, editing, and just responding to emails.  She is working on future fundraising efforts… basically, she is AMAZING, and I am blessed she’s my sister!  Thank you sis for your unconditional love, for your fierceness in fighting for my families health, for your hugs, shoulders to cry on, your forever friendship, for loving on my kiddos as if they were your own, and being my voice when I can’t find my own.  I LOVE YOU more than I can say!

Sincerely, Dani

This is seriously the BEST pic I could find of Rachelle and I tonight… we are going to have to start taking more sister pics ASAP!

This is seriously the BEST pic I could find of Rachelle and I tonight… we are going to have to start taking more sister pics ASAP!

Enjoying the Moments!

Three more nights until we head out.

Two more doctors appointments for each of us.

Our almost 6 year olds’ gifts are wrapped and packed.

I still need to pack 5 carry ons.

I need to buy snacks for our trip.

… And in between packing, doctors appts, and errands, we are trying to soak up the moments at home with our bunch  they’re squeezing every last second out of pond swimming, hammock swinging, Olympic balance beam routines, loving on our ranch pets…  especially Jake and the kittens…  These are the moments that make you stop, smile and remember how much I have to keep being strong for!image



imageWere getting so close to go-time!  We wanted to say a HUGE thank you to each of you who have brought a meal our way, for my Gpa who picked up my prescription and took the car to get its oil changed today, for everyone who has sacrificed funds for us to be able to go to Germany, and for every single prayer…  We LOVE each and every one of you!!!

Sincerely, Dani

keep praying  keep sharing  xoxoxx




We’re struggling.  We’ve now had two bad nights in a row… and I feel far too weak to have a third.  Cory and the kiddos are worn out with overwhelming stress about me.  Part of me wishes I could share a video with you of what our “bad nights” look like… and the bigger part of me is so thankful that few ever have to see it.

Tonight started with me laying out by the pond watching the kids enjoying a post-dinner swim!  It was the perfect weather, and the sun was just right! Shortly after, my eye started to twitch, the pain set in and I had to get inside to lie down on the couch.  Cory and the kiddos came in a couple minutes later as I cannot be alone when these evenings start.  In just a few short minutes I was shaking, telling Cory “I could not handle the pain.”  He was encouraging me, getting me ice packs for my neck, making up detox drinks, rubbing oils on my feet, temples, and neck.  Hayden was running for detox refills every 15 minutes, Lucy was rubbing my feet, and they were all coaxing me to start breathing each time I would pass out and stop breathing.  I was in soooooo much pain that it overtook my body, I start convulsing, tears flow, and I stop breathing for 15-30 seconds and then passed out 7 or so times just tonight.

Once the majority of the pain passed, I started an ionic foot detox bath… hoping to eliminate as many of the toxins as I could.  We’ve finally gotten the kiddos all tucked in and Cory and I are sitting here trying to unwind while watching some Seinfeld…  Then BED!detox

Please keep praying!  We need each one.  These nights are full of pain and fear.

We need financial help getting treatment for our upcoming trip, for the treatment of co-infections that I have after Germany, and then to tackle all the treatment the kiddos will need here in the States.

We are so incredibly grateful for everyone who has brought a meal, donated to the you caring site, and for ALL of your prayers!

Psalm 34:18 The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Sincerely, Dani

9 Days ’til Germany!

I’ve been having some hard days and nights lately, which is my only excuse for not blogging.  I have been hit with crazy emotional struggles, and on Monday, just spent all parts of my day crying randomly.  I don’t’ have a specific reason for the tears, just a lot of smaller things lumped into one big “cry-fest” I guess.  The kiddos are struggling being alone so much, I am worn out by all the doctors appointments each day of each week, Cory is worn out by his IV’s as well, and the stresses financially seem too much to bear right now.  Life is pulling at all corners and we are feeling so-not-good at anything being spread so very thin.  However, we are hanging in here and today is a new day… one where I have scratched so many items off my ever-growing To-Do List, we each had a successful set of IV’s, I spent time watching the kiddos swim and giggle in the hot sunshine, and Cory is trying his darndest to work really hard!

Thank you to each of you who has helped with dinners… we are sooooooo very blessed by the food!  Thank you to everyone who has shared our story with friends, family, TV stations, newspapers, etc…  we are raising awareness and hundreds of thousands of Lyme patients just within the USA are going to reap the benefits of your efforts.  Thank you so much for the financial help… we have so far to go, but every selfless gift both big and small is a massive help in this battle we’re facing!  We are only 9 days away from flying out and we have so much yet to do…  please pray for safety- driving, flying, traveling, focus for Cory working, ease of cleaning the house and getting packed up, strength for each day for all five of us, and for the finances to get the treatment we all desperately need!

Thank you, thank you, thank you all!

Sincerely, Dani
