30 Days of Encouraging my Hubby Man

I have hesitated on writing this out… because I am so very NOT perfect at all!  But then, none of us are.  We are all imperfect, lacking, speak before we think, etc…  Thank you Jesus that through You, we can see perfection and know who to strive towards, we can lack nothing because everything we need is found solely in YOU, and YOU can give us our words and purify our thoughts.


(This pic has NOTHING to do with my post today… but it brings me joy, so I had to share!  Love my Hayden!)

So… I started 30 days of “encouraging my man”.  I am not following anything; book, or movement (not sure if there is one!).  I just felt God impress upon my heart to do this the very day before we found out that we would be looking for a new job.  Isn’t His timing crazy sometimes?!  So, three weeks ago Tuesday, this journey began.  Talk about a crazy time to be only encouraging and not nagging, annoyed, stressed, or flat out mean at times… it has been such a sweet time of simply loving on Cory, encouraging him to be all that God alone has called him to be, listening to him,, walking beside him, praying with him, hashing all kinds of scenarios around with him, and most importantly of all; speaking only positive and uplifting words to and about him!  It is something that I always try to do anyways… but I am flawed and even in these last weeks I know of at least one time that speaking to Cory was not done well.  It was not done in love.  I felt horrible, and was so very thankful for the forgiveness.

I love to talk about the people that I hold the dearest to my heart, share their triumphs and rejoice in their joys!  This is all easy when things are going great.  So many wonderful things to share… let the bragging begin, right?  But I have found that even being full of honest compliments in times of trial, counting your blessings as they are vast even in the not-so-awesome-times, and simply holding your loved one up in encouragement to him and others is sooooo important.  It keeps thankfulness, and joy on the tip of your tongue.  It helps to keep all things in perspective and realize that the little things that are not worth the stressing over are simply that… LITTLE things (let them go!)!

This is proving to be a constant reminder to remain in God’s word, keep praises on my tongue, laugh much, LOVE more, and truly live in every moment!

I Peter 5:7 “Cast all your cares upon Him, for He takes care of you.”

Honestly… when I really apply this verse to my every day, I know that His shoulders are ready for the burdens of my day, week, year, and life.  But honestly, when was the last time I actually; without holding anything back, gave it all to Him?

I am going to continue to do this 30 days of encouraging my hubs… now and hopefully forever!  I choose to cast all my cares to Jesus, likely every minute as the stressful thoughts creep up over and over.  But being an encourager feels so much better than a stressed out, anxious wife and mommy any day!

Sincerely,  dani


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