We’re HOME!!!
We’ve actually been home for about a week… but we needed to have time to settle in, figure out what our new normal would look like, and be with our kiddos who were beyond amazing while their parents were in a foreign country for six weeks. We surprised them last Sunday (which happened to also be Mommy’s Day… double yay for me!)… they woke up to text messages saying we were in the air and would need a ride from the airport in a few hours. Though we did enjoy the surprise, it was out of pure necessity that we couldn’t tell them because we didn’t know if/ when I would actually get to go home.
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this kiddo???
Man… I missed this creative little love bug!
This beauty had our home all decorated with flowers! She’s simply the best!
Felt AMAZING to be home!
Hayden already had a Luchidor mask… but we found him this awesome kite to match!
Tear stained cheeks for me as I finally hug and hold my babies!
And I actually felt good enough for a brief walk to the beach! Praise God!
I had to drink massive amounts of water to thin my blood, take Advil, and wear these lovely things… oh the beauties of flying home after all these treatments!🤪
We were exhausted… had to stay overnight in LA and then up at 4 am to catch our flight home… but this is the pic our kiddos woke up to saying we were on our way home and needing a ride in a few hours!💘😍
Here’s the wrap up of our trip and treatment:
Towards the end of our treatment time in Mexico we had to figure out the pain in my back and after the MRI, we saw two protruding discs very low in my spine… we knew that we would be facing surgery soon, but Dr. Morales saw strong potential for me to receive PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections into those areas of my spine instead of surgery. We planned an early morning platelet extraction with the Chemist- Enrique and then waited a couple days while the extraction was completed in the lab. I received two intense (and horrendously painful as my body doesn’t receive anesthetic well or quickly EVER) treatments. Each treatment included ten anesthetic shots to the five areas to be injected and then the 15 HUGE injections began. Though this was horribly painful, I am sooooo thankful that the doctor has such an amazing and tight knit group of specialists available at a moments notice to perform these treatments and that we were able to get them done just before I was finished with all the other treatments.
This clinic was and is AMAZING. I received more treatments and such incredible care from the staff from the beginning to the end and honestly felt like I was in the best hands for defeating this disease and all of it’s co-infections. We are confident that all the disease has been killed off in my body, and yet we are home with a HUGE 6 month detox program which includes an intensive 4 month antibiotic course to follow the amount of time red blood cells take to regenerate. We have a long and possibly at times uphill battle ahead of us with recovery, but we are optimistic that with letting my body rest and recover as needed; we will beat this… all of this… and find out what our new normal looks like.
I will write more on what our everyday looks like these days, what we need, and how people can best help!
Thank you for keeping us in your prayers and praises!
Complete healing
My new red blood cells to be created in my body disease free
For a disease free bone marrow
For my hair to quit falling out and thinning from the 8 rounds of low-dose chemo
Energy to at least go on one walk each day
For safe travels
Kiddos who were soooooo tough and amazing for all those long weeks
Grandparents who LOVED on them endlessly and selflessly for us
Successful treatment
For a strong as could be and built up body from all the treatments in Hawaii before Mexico
For all the meals you provided while my daddy was here with the kiddos
Live IT Out,
XO, Dani