Daily Archives: July 27, 2016

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9 Days ’til Germany!

I’ve been having some hard days and nights lately, which is my only excuse for not blogging.  I have been hit with crazy emotional struggles, and on Monday, just spent all parts of my day crying randomly.  I don’t’ have a specific reason for the tears, just a lot of smaller things lumped into one big “cry-fest” I guess.  The kiddos are struggling being alone so much, I am worn out by all the doctors appointments each day of each week, Cory is worn out by his IV’s as well, and the stresses financially seem too much to bear right now.  Life is pulling at all corners and we are feeling so-not-good at anything being spread so very thin.  However, we are hanging in here and today is a new day… one where I have scratched so many items off my ever-growing To-Do List, we each had a successful set of IV’s, I spent time watching the kiddos swim and giggle in the hot sunshine, and Cory is trying his darndest to work really hard!

Thank you to each of you who has helped with dinners… we are sooooooo very blessed by the food!  Thank you to everyone who has shared our story with friends, family, TV stations, newspapers, etc…  we are raising awareness and hundreds of thousands of Lyme patients just within the USA are going to reap the benefits of your efforts.  Thank you so much for the financial help… we have so far to go, but every selfless gift both big and small is a massive help in this battle we’re facing!  We are only 9 days away from flying out and we have so much yet to do…  please pray for safety- driving, flying, traveling, focus for Cory working, ease of cleaning the house and getting packed up, strength for each day for all five of us, and for the finances to get the treatment we all desperately need!

Thank you, thank you, thank you all!

Sincerely, Dani
