Our Battle Rages ON…

Hey all…  we could use some encouragement and prayer!

Even though we are now rid of ALIVE Lyme Disease in our bodies, we are filled with dead lyme bacteria.  It is so toxic.  When you kill it off it releases toxins into your body and you have to work tirelessly to get it OUT!  When I went through two hyperthermia treatments where my body was heated up to 107+* for several hours each time… the spirochetes (lyme bacteria) were killed off and my body was plagued with sooooooo many toxins.  Cory went through this intensive treatment as well and he too is full of this dead and toxic junk.  Because of these toxins we are still at the doctors office 4-5 times each week.  Every single day we receive IV infusions helping us to detox.  This will be our new normal for a LOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG time.

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We also knew before heading to Germany for Lyme treatment that I have two other co-infections living inside my body… both from the tick bites that gave me lyme disease:  Babesia and Bartonella.  Our doctor has a plan for working towards killing these infections now that lyme is dead, but this is going to be an intense treatment and a lengthy/ expensive one as well.  With this killing of more bacteria will come more herxing.  I am very nervous that the herxing will involve the intense pain that overtook my body causing numerous seizures and much fear in our home again.  I have lots of decisions to make before starting this next round of treatment, and I still have a lot of questions to ask and research to do… but we know that we have to continue pressing on and striving to find complete healing.

We are struggling… a lot! .  Our symptoms have changed for sure, and many are for the better.  With Lyme being dead, those symptoms from lyme are gone… but now there are new ones from Babesia and Bartonella.  We are both suffering with loads of headaches, neither of us has ever felt fatigue or tiredness like we are right now, I am in pretty constant pain in my legs from the cold (even though it has not been too cold here yet:-( ), Cory is struggling getting any amount of sleep, and the list goes on…

What we need right now:


Please, please pray for wisdom for decisions and strength to FIGHT ON!!!

For energy, concentration, sleep, strength both physically and emotionally.

Pray for our kiddos who are without us often.  They are worried about how we are feeling.  Grey is struggling with us being at the doctor so often, and they just need a break from this yuck!

Our praises are HUGE… we are so thankful for dead lyme disease, for not having had a seizure since August 4th, for my constant migraine that lasted about 6 months being gone, and for an incredible doctor and his team here in Bend able and ready to help us get to health!

Please continue following, sharing, praying and helping us… we need each of you alongside our family in this battle!


Sincerely, Dani

Philippians 3:13-14 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

6 Thoughts on “Our Battle Rages ON…

  1. Samantha Manson on September 22, 2016 at 7:03 am said:

    This is Sami. I am praying so much for you all!! You may be exhausted, in pain and much more but I truly believe you were set on this path to win the fight. I am so upset that your family has been going through this. I hope you know how very important and loved your family is. I don’t know you well but I know suffering very well and I know in my heart that the Lord will walk you through this. You are blazing a trail for some of us that have no options left. Please take some comfort in knowing that you may have started this for you and your family, and now you have given hope to the hopeless. Prayers, Positive thoughts, and much love to you all💜

    • dani@beautyfullmess.com on September 27, 2016 at 10:24 pm said:

      Sami, knowing you are praying alongside us is a huge blessing and I want you to know that you are NOT alone! We are standing in prayer for your health, for healing in your body too! Much LOVE, Dani

  2. To both of u,
    Praying that Cory starts getting sleep & the rest of what he needs. To u Dani, praying that ur pain goes away in ur legs, getting sleep, praying for ur emotional & physical health to come back. Praying for the kiddos to know that mommy & daddy r gonna be ok because there r SO many people praying for them & u.

  3. Sharyn/John on September 23, 2016 at 8:01 am said:

    We love you Pratt family – each one…. We are standing with you for as long as it takes to be rid of this terrible disease…. And then we are standing with you forever…

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