Category Archives: Prayer

2016… there she went!


Kiddos baking 10 dozen cookies! Yummy!

It’s a brand spankin’ new year!  This New Years’ Eve left me emotional… I felt like highlights of our year scrolled through my mind as midnight quickly approached.  2016 was filled with so much good, amazing kiddos, lots of family time, pond swimming, seventh, sixth, and first grades, friends, and good-old fashioned fun on the ranch.  However, it was also a super duper rough year in a lot of ways too.  We faced tough decisions with health, experienced incredible pain, and fought crazy hard to beat diseases that plagued our bodies.  This last year was harder than I can tell you on our family, watching our kiddos experience fears like they have created such a deep hurt on my heart.  Knowing that Cory would always be beside me was wonderful, yet seeing the toll it was taking on him… well, it took a toll on me. Knowing that my parents were fearful of what was happening with their daughter, son in law, and grands at any given time, and having them rush up to help at a moments’ notice… the list just goes on and on…  So, while there was definitely good in 2016, it was time to close the door on last year and move onto this new year.

I’m thankful for 2016 because…

my husband loves me fiercely and leads our family tirelessly.

my three kiddos are fun, smart, caring, loving, love Jesus, and make me smile daily.

my parents, in-laws, siblings, grandparents have rallied around us in support and love.

our community has backed us with news stories, fund raising, and meals.

our hospital stay in Germany was 100% successful.

my doctor in Bend is so helpful and hasn’t given up on me yet.

my Savior has carried me through many times I couldn’t walk on my own.

What are you thankful for?  When I really sit down and count my blessings there are sooooo many, and yes; they ALWAYS outweigh the ugly stuff even when it’s really, really bad!

Don’t forget to count your blessings and cling to the hope found in Jesus!

Sincerely, Dani


My Fight Continues…

I’ve been wanting to sit down and write this update out for quite some time now… but you know how life just keeps running off ahead of you?  Well, tonight I’m making it happen!


Lucy Lu was helping push my last IV of the day!

I’m still at the doctor daily receiving IV treatments to detox all these dead Lyme toxins from my body.  These IV treatments are also used to kill off the other two co-infections that I have.  I have also been doing a very strong and complex herbal protocol to try to kill off the Babesia and Bartonella.  However, no matter how much or how long I do this herbal treatment along with the intense IV treatments, I have not been able to kill these other diseases and they have to go!

I have been researching through the night endlessly, waiting for a breakthrough in treatment options, hoping for new research in the Lyme community, praying for wisdom, and I have come to realize that the ONLY option I have left is going to be some very, very intense anti-parasitic and anti-biotic treatment.  I have NOT wanted to go down this route as Lyme Disease destroys your immune system, hormones, thyroid, adrenals, etc… and I’ve been working so hard to rebuild all these systems since Germany that it feels so backwards to take these drugs knowing that they will work against all these areas once again.  However; I am out of options and Cory and I both agree that I have to start walking down the path to kill these terrible diseases off now.  We cannot wait until the awful symptoms from them continue to increase.  We have to get me well so that we can treat our kiddos and continue to work towards a healthy family!

Soooooo… now I have to decide which meds to take, weigh out the pros and cons of each drug, and work on the financial side of whatever path we decide to go down.  I am super stressed about the possibility of my seizures coming back, the pain overtaking my body again, and what our lives are going to look like as soon as I start this new treatment.  We know, just as it did when treating Lyme that I will get worse before I get better.  We just don’t know what that “worse” will look like this time around and I am scared.  I will be making a choice that effects my hubby, kiddos, parents, in-laws, and siblings so much… I am not sure if I can handle watching the intense fear that plagued those I love most again.

Please be in prayer for our decisions, for our finances, for our entire family to have peace and strength as we start wading through this next phase ahead of us.

We are praising God for the opportunity to forge ahead into this next phase that would not have been possible without an effective Lyme treatment in Germany and positive detoxing here at home!

Sincerely, Dani

I’ll leave you with a quick update picture style of our last couple of weeks 😉


Straight out of “Grease”… Hayden and Lucy were off to help at our Church’s Big Pumpkin Party!


And don’t forget Mary Poppins who got to enjoy all the festivities!


Family time at the Veteran’s Day Parade 2016! Thank you to ALL who served and sacrificed for our freedoms… We are so grateful for your service!


I mustered up all the energy I had and we ventured out to Devils Lake for a photography field trip… these three sure have great eyes for photography!


Man, I LOVE these three…


This little one is pure sunshine!


Lu and Gig sitting in their “box cars” studying verses for Awana’s Drive-In Movie night!


Just some fun anatomy lessons… and dancing of course too!

Do NOTHING Monday!

Thats right…  I was in desperate need of a “Do Nothing Day”. I think we all get there at times. I felt like it was super important for our whole family…  Greys little heart is hurting and she’s struggling with me leaving each day for doctors appts. She needed me…  and how long will I be able to say that?  Hayden and Lucy are older, but I can see it effecting them just as much though they can hide it and push through better than their little sis. They needed a day where we were in sweats and had no agenda…  Cory needed it too, and maybe one day I’ll be able to talk him into enjoying it with us😜…  but today was NOT his day to do nothing…  in fact it’s almost 1 AM and I’m still waiting for him to come up to bed!

I could use prayer as we try to figure out what we can cut out of our schedule. We need time at home. Time together as a family. Dates with our kiddos. Time for Cory and I to set aside and communicate. Right now I feel like I’m not good at anything, but I so desperately want to be!  I’m struggling with getting out of bed. I hurt. I don’t have any energy at all. And I’m so insanely COLD😬, yet this is only the beginning of the cold here!

I don’t share this to complain…  just in hopes of being real, honest and letting you know what we could use prayer with!  God sees all of this and the rest that I’ve left out…  He’s got us!

Im already looking forward to another Do Nothing Day soon!  And in the meantime, if you know anyone who wants to house swap with us for the next 4-6 months…  they can ski, and enjoy all our winter sports here in Bend and live on our ranch and we will swap for their tropical destination!!!😜  Send them our way!  (A girl can dream, RIGHT!?)

Here are a few pics from our week…  gosh, I love these three and their daddy!❤️


A few nights ago we celebrated Jakes birthday! He enjoyed his peanut butter, cheese cubes, and meat! He wasn’t so sure about those 6 candles though!


I had a dentist appt and we got to go spend some time with Great Gma! Man, we sure love her… she’s quite the special lady!

XO. Sincerely, Dani

the battle is FIERCE…

Another week… 5 more days of IV’s… more fatigued than we knew was possible… headaches are almost constant… this battle is fierce…

We are tired.

We hurt.

We are so weak.

We cannot concentrate.

We are lonely.

We feel very discouraged.


We won’t quit.

We are tough.

We will push through.

We will stick together.

We are clinging onto HOPE.


With Lyme dead and constant detoxing underway… these other diseases are showing their ugly faces and showing off with all kinds of awful symptoms.  I find myself scared half of the day.  Worrying about all the new things happening in our bodies, worried about how I can press through this new day and be a good mom, wife, patient, and coach.  Stressed about paying all these big bills that are endless.

Basically… my head is spinning with all these things that are life as we know it today.  I wish that this could be a positive and uplifting post, but it is honest and raw because it is our life right now.  What I do know is that somehow, somewhere or for someone… God has a plan in all of it.  So, as I close my laptop tonight; I am choosing once again to lay down my worries, stresses, burdens, hopes, dreams, my hubby, and each of these precious kiddos at the very feet of The One who holds Heaven and Earth.  He is good and I choose to give Him my BeautyFULL mess tonight!

Sincerely, Dani

Rest in HIS hope tonight with me:

Jeremiah 32:17 Ah, Lord GOD! It is you who have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and by your outstretched arm! Nothing is too hard for you.

Joshua 1:9, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” 

Isaiah 41:10, “Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” 


Our Battle Rages ON…

Hey all…  we could use some encouragement and prayer!

Even though we are now rid of ALIVE Lyme Disease in our bodies, we are filled with dead lyme bacteria.  It is so toxic.  When you kill it off it releases toxins into your body and you have to work tirelessly to get it OUT!  When I went through two hyperthermia treatments where my body was heated up to 107+* for several hours each time… the spirochetes (lyme bacteria) were killed off and my body was plagued with sooooooo many toxins.  Cory went through this intensive treatment as well and he too is full of this dead and toxic junk.  Because of these toxins we are still at the doctors office 4-5 times each week.  Every single day we receive IV infusions helping us to detox.  This will be our new normal for a LOOOOONNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG time.

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We also knew before heading to Germany for Lyme treatment that I have two other co-infections living inside my body… both from the tick bites that gave me lyme disease:  Babesia and Bartonella.  Our doctor has a plan for working towards killing these infections now that lyme is dead, but this is going to be an intense treatment and a lengthy/ expensive one as well.  With this killing of more bacteria will come more herxing.  I am very nervous that the herxing will involve the intense pain that overtook my body causing numerous seizures and much fear in our home again.  I have lots of decisions to make before starting this next round of treatment, and I still have a lot of questions to ask and research to do… but we know that we have to continue pressing on and striving to find complete healing.

We are struggling… a lot! .  Our symptoms have changed for sure, and many are for the better.  With Lyme being dead, those symptoms from lyme are gone… but now there are new ones from Babesia and Bartonella.  We are both suffering with loads of headaches, neither of us has ever felt fatigue or tiredness like we are right now, I am in pretty constant pain in my legs from the cold (even though it has not been too cold here yet:-( ), Cory is struggling getting any amount of sleep, and the list goes on…

What we need right now:


Please, please pray for wisdom for decisions and strength to FIGHT ON!!!

For energy, concentration, sleep, strength both physically and emotionally.

Pray for our kiddos who are without us often.  They are worried about how we are feeling.  Grey is struggling with us being at the doctor so often, and they just need a break from this yuck!

Our praises are HUGE… we are so thankful for dead lyme disease, for not having had a seizure since August 4th, for my constant migraine that lasted about 6 months being gone, and for an incredible doctor and his team here in Bend able and ready to help us get to health!

Please continue following, sharing, praying and helping us… we need each of you alongside our family in this battle!


Sincerely, Dani

Philippians 3:13-14 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

Home at LAST!

image imageHere is another quick update that was posted on Facebook as I was super duper sleepy after two very long days of traveling… I promise to post a full blog entry very soon!

We have just arrived back home! Safe and sound from Germany… So excited to sleep in our own beds tonight! So much to be thankful for… Parents that took care of kiddos and us, parents that took care of our ranch, animals, burnt up pump, and made us a clean home to come back to, sisters and brothers who helped with animals, picked us up from the airport, and everyone who prayed us through… We are home and ready to continue fighting onward to health and healing!
PS… Grey was happy to be home… But overly tired😁

Sincerely, Dani

Lyme Disease can beat it…

It’s been far too long since the last update… and I apologize.  I did post this update on Facebook and I know that lots of you have seen it already, but for those that have not yet, here it finally is:

Cory and I are officially 100% Lyme Disease free… We have to detox all this dead bacteria out of us, which is going to be quite an intense process ahead. We are beyond thrilled to come home this week and begin detoxing as well as starting treatment to kill the other two known co-infections that I have in my body. We would LOVE prayers for safe flights and travels for all 7 of us tomorrow and Tuesday, prayers for wisdom on our next steps in finding treatment for our three kiddos as well as wisdoms in my next treatments!

We are doing the happy dance and praising God for all He’s done so far… Thank you for sharing and praying with us… We love you all!

Sincerely, Dani

Recovering, LOTS of detoxing, and adventures too!

Im sorry it’s been such a delay in my posts…  My mom quickly updated to let you all know via FB that Cory and I made it out and into recovery safely!  I needed to take some time to rest, recover, and work on keeping up with the detoxing game!

I know that I’ve stressed it before…  But we began intense detoxing before coming to Germany for about three months and I know that it was very beneficial for us both, however…  Keeping up on it with all of these thousands of dead bugs needing to be expelled is incredibly important now too!!!

While here, Lucy got a pretty bad head cold and they always turn bronchial in her quickly. Then my mom got it, now Cory and I have it currently and Hayden had a small bout with a cough too. So far, Grey is in the clear as is my dad!  PTL👍

Please pray we recover from this nasty bug quickly and can continue releasing toxins at a rapid rate so we can return home healthy next week!

In the meantime, we are not wasting any precious days while here…  We are grabbing each moment and making the very most of it with each other!  Here are some pics from our weekend adventures when our hospital treatments are very limited!


We rode the gondolas up the mountain and then had a beautiful and very steep hike up to the tippy top of Mt. Wendelstein!


This village dates back to the 700’s😁


We are standing on a ROMAN ROAD… Mind blown by the history here!


That castle is above the Roman road and is now a very expensive and elite boarding school.


You now drive through the village walls that were once where the gates hung.


Silly kiddos… Wanted to grab the clouds!😜


Soooooooooo steep, rugged and beautiful.


Hanging on tight to his baby😁


Trying to find the stairs up to the castle…

Please continue to keep us all in your prayers for health, complete healing, safety, and for those helping us back at home as well…  Corys parents are holding down our fort and our irrigation pump seized up…  Making it very difficult to water the property, water animals, and just plain keep things living in the amazing heat y’all are having back home!

Sincerely, Dani

Final Full Body Hyperthermia is Tomorrow!!!


Cory trying out the awesome bed!😁 Man, I love him!💚

Another fast post… but we are about to hit the sheets and hope to sleep before our second and last full body hyperthermia!  I am not nearly as nervous as before, now that I know what to expect… but it is still such an extreme treatment with intense heat for 8 hours of sedation.  We will both be undergoing this starting at about 8am Germany time which is 11pm West Coast/ Bend time and we would  LOVE prayers tomorrow

Guess we're now both officially patients😁

Guess we’re now both officially patients😁

Please continue to pray for our littles to have peace and to be strong.  Their little hearts are so precious and I hate to see them nervous, stressed, or hurting.  So far, they seem quite good… but they also put on a strong face for me to help me be stronger too, so it is often hard to REALLY tell.

We bought them each a Lego set to help pass the time we are needing to spend resting… look at that mess/ fun!image

Please pray for my parents to have energy to take on three little balls of energy, and to be able to care for us both tomorrow too!

Please pray for safety all around, for Cory and I to have peace and for Cory not to blow a fuse due to not being able to eat for about 48 hours of time total… he is STARVING!!!!

We are so very grateful for your support financially, for your friendships, and most of all for your prayers each day!  We need more of all of it, and you are each so treasured!

Sincerely, Dani

A long day…

Its been a super long day of treatments and a bit of rest too. I had to spend the night in a recovery room and there was very little sleep to be found in there, but I had a very sweet room mate from Holland that spoke English!

Doctors said that my treatment went great and that its like running a very very hot marathon for your body…  So, we are heading to bed soon!

Please pray for Cory as he has not been feeling good today at all…  Slept so much, stomach is in a lot of pain and he has been throwing up. I’m worried about him and he hasn’t started treatment yet😁

This afternoon, Cory and I took a beautiful and short walk through town…  Look at this pretty view…image

Tomorrow I just have two infusions and then the rest of the day is free…  Yippee!

My parents took the kiddos on a train adventure and ate delish food with them!image


We so appreciate you all following along and sharing our story, praying for us and all of your love!

Sincerely, Dani