Category Archives: God

Final Full Body Hyperthermia is Tomorrow!!!


Cory trying out the awesome bed!😁 Man, I love him!💚

Another fast post… but we are about to hit the sheets and hope to sleep before our second and last full body hyperthermia!  I am not nearly as nervous as before, now that I know what to expect… but it is still such an extreme treatment with intense heat for 8 hours of sedation.  We will both be undergoing this starting at about 8am Germany time which is 11pm West Coast/ Bend time and we would  LOVE prayers tomorrow

Guess we're now both officially patients😁

Guess we’re now both officially patients😁

Please continue to pray for our littles to have peace and to be strong.  Their little hearts are so precious and I hate to see them nervous, stressed, or hurting.  So far, they seem quite good… but they also put on a strong face for me to help me be stronger too, so it is often hard to REALLY tell.

We bought them each a Lego set to help pass the time we are needing to spend resting… look at that mess/ fun!image

Please pray for my parents to have energy to take on three little balls of energy, and to be able to care for us both tomorrow too!

Please pray for safety all around, for Cory and I to have peace and for Cory not to blow a fuse due to not being able to eat for about 48 hours of time total… he is STARVING!!!!

We are so very grateful for your support financially, for your friendships, and most of all for your prayers each day!  We need more of all of it, and you are each so treasured!

Sincerely, Dani

My first hyperthermia treatment is tomorrow!

Ive been so very busy with constant IVs, detox treatments and such…  Tomorrow morning at 8am, I will go into my first full body hyperthermia treatment of the two I do here. Please pray for my nervousness to be taken away. I am emotional about it, and it’s keeping me from sleeping and enjoying life. I know without a doubt that this is the treatment that God has for us, so I will do it and be half way through after tomorrow, but I need peace. Cory needs peace. Our entire family could use extra prayers, encouragement and Gods perfect peace right now and all day tomorrow!  We are 9 hours ahead of west coast time…  So, I’ll be heading into treatment between 11:30pm- midnight in Bend.  Treatment should last about 6 hours plus admitting and recovery. It’ll seem like a long day for Cory, my parents, and kiddos here, but as soon as I’m done, someone will send out a Facebook message on my account letting everyone know how it went!

Thank you for your prayers as we kill off these nasty bugs in my body!  Doctors say this should kill them all, but we will do a second one next week just to make sure!


Today was also our little Peanuts 6th birthday and we had a great rainy day at an indoor park, had a horse themed party and picnic-style dinner on the floor of the hotel, and ate lemon and raspberry gelato cake to celebrate our joy filled little Grey Everly!

Love you all❤️

Sincerely, Dani

Day TWO…

Here we are at the end of a very busy day TWO!  We didn’t sleep a wink last night as our hospital beds are quite hard, but the staff here is so helpful and they brought me a topper and Cory a new mattress and we are hopeful that tonight will be full of deep rest!  No rest makes me more emotional than normal… and I would really like to hold it together the best I can for the kids!  Please pray for me to continue being strong for all of us, but especially those three littles that I love so much!

My morning started with blood draws bright and early, I began my antibiotic regiment, then we snuck out for a much better breakfast with the family at the hotel across the street!!!  Yay me… I struggle with hospital meals.  Then we came back and started our tests that looked something like this:

-neurological eye testing

-metabolic picture testing… they use this in the NASA program

-a heart stress test

-life quality evaluation

Then I had a short break so we came back to the hospital room and started my IV of Selenium for the next hour… then went back up to the second floor for a detox foot bath and magnetic field treatment.

We finished this all up and left for dinner again tonight and enjoyed some delicious italian food literally next door to both the hospital and hotel… I LOVE how convenient this placement in the center of town is for all of us to maximize our time together!

Mom and Daddy took the kiddos to a super fun water park and they all soaked up the sunshine as it is supposed to start raining all day for the next few days tomorrow… they all had a great time and were worn out for naps all around!

I am going to be careful posting pictures until we are back home of some specific things… but here is a recap of our day in pics… minus treatment pictures for now!

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We love and miss you all… but are looking forward to another full day ahead and the last day we have a five year old… EVER!

P.S.  I am sooooo grateful that Cory has been able to come to each treatment with me today… helped it all feel better and less alone in it!  He’s the best and I am so richly blessed to have him!

Sincerely, Dani

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 NLT

16 Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

Day ONE of Getting Better…

I finally have internet access on my laptop and can tell you about our first day in the hospital/ Klinik!  yippee!

Yesterday, Sunday August 7th was our check-in day.  We had a very hard time waking up in time for breakfast at the hotel, so Cory went and brought us all food to our room.  Thanks Babes… this 9 hour time difference has been rough on us all.  We checked into our hospital room at noon and asked when the Doctor would be by for our initial chat.  We didn’t have to be back until 5pm, so we took the kiddos to the park behind the hospital and found a fun mini golf place too!  We played the Spiel golf which is like a cross between pool and mini golf.  The park is beautiful and we soaked up all the time we could as a family!  We then went back to the hotel to rest and re-pack Cory and my belongings and arrived at the Klinik again at 5pm.

We met a wonderfully kind doctor who filled us in on what these two weeks will look like while here, she set an IV line in my arm just in case I had a seizure again.  We were then able to go back to the hotel to have dinner with my parents and kiddos… this was a surprise to us, as we thought we would have to stay here the entire time.  We said goodnight after a later dinner and unpacked our bags at about 10pm and then Cory started working for the night.  The night nurse came in to take my temperature and to give me Monday’s schedule.

Here are some pics from our fun at the park, and what our room looks like…

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Thank you sooooooooo much for your continued prayers for all 7 of us!  We need them and feel God making ways and going before us in the little things for sure!

Sincerely, Dani

Philippians 4:4-9 NKJV

Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!

Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.

It’s that day…

Its that day.  The one we’ve been counting down to for a couple months now. The one that we’ve prepared so intensely for. The very day that we’ve anticipated getting here so that we can begin this journey of killing this disease off and regaining health for Cory and myself and our three kiddos. It has seemed like it took so long to get here and yet it snuck up on us.

So, we’re off…  We’re happy….  We’re together…  We have great hope…  And we have a long journey/adventure ahead of us!

Yesterday we had our FINAL pre-Germany IVs and then headed home to finish up packing and say our goodbyes to family and some special friends. Several of them stopped to pray with us before leaving and we definitely felt the LOVE!image


Please continue to pray for us, pray for safe flights tomorrow, for safe drives today and tomorrow, for all the last minute details to fall into place, for everyone to stay healthy and not catch any bugs on the planes, and for no pain episodes!

Ill be blogging as much as I can to document this treatment and our trip!  This will be he best way to keep in touch and up to date on how everything is going!

We love you all and are so blessed by your care and provision for our family!

Sincerely, Dani

Enjoying the Moments!

Three more nights until we head out.

Two more doctors appointments for each of us.

Our almost 6 year olds’ gifts are wrapped and packed.

I still need to pack 5 carry ons.

I need to buy snacks for our trip.

… And in between packing, doctors appts, and errands, we are trying to soak up the moments at home with our bunch  they’re squeezing every last second out of pond swimming, hammock swinging, Olympic balance beam routines, loving on our ranch pets…  especially Jake and the kittens…  These are the moments that make you stop, smile and remember how much I have to keep being strong for!image



imageWere getting so close to go-time!  We wanted to say a HUGE thank you to each of you who have brought a meal our way, for my Gpa who picked up my prescription and took the car to get its oil changed today, for everyone who has sacrificed funds for us to be able to go to Germany, and for every single prayer…  We LOVE each and every one of you!!!

Sincerely, Dani

keep praying  keep sharing  xoxoxx



Packing has begun…

UPDATE UPDATE… Today was better than yesterday by far!  We are sooooo thankful for that!  The kiddos got to swim a lot, we picked up the last couple travel items we needed and packed the kids clothing up…  I cannot believe that it is time to pack already!

Its a super short update, but were exhausted and heading to bed!

Thank you to everyone who was praying that tonight would be a good one…  We’re all relieved!

Sincerely, Dani

9 Days ’til Germany!

I’ve been having some hard days and nights lately, which is my only excuse for not blogging.  I have been hit with crazy emotional struggles, and on Monday, just spent all parts of my day crying randomly.  I don’t’ have a specific reason for the tears, just a lot of smaller things lumped into one big “cry-fest” I guess.  The kiddos are struggling being alone so much, I am worn out by all the doctors appointments each day of each week, Cory is worn out by his IV’s as well, and the stresses financially seem too much to bear right now.  Life is pulling at all corners and we are feeling so-not-good at anything being spread so very thin.  However, we are hanging in here and today is a new day… one where I have scratched so many items off my ever-growing To-Do List, we each had a successful set of IV’s, I spent time watching the kiddos swim and giggle in the hot sunshine, and Cory is trying his darndest to work really hard!

Thank you to each of you who has helped with dinners… we are sooooooo very blessed by the food!  Thank you to everyone who has shared our story with friends, family, TV stations, newspapers, etc…  we are raising awareness and hundreds of thousands of Lyme patients just within the USA are going to reap the benefits of your efforts.  Thank you so much for the financial help… we have so far to go, but every selfless gift both big and small is a massive help in this battle we’re facing!  We are only 9 days away from flying out and we have so much yet to do…  please pray for safety- driving, flying, traveling, focus for Cory working, ease of cleaning the house and getting packed up, strength for each day for all five of us, and for the finances to get the treatment we all desperately need!

Thank you, thank you, thank you all!

Sincerely, Dani


Our God is bigger!

Were trying to work hard around the property today so that we don’t leave for Germany for a month and return to all ten acres being taken over by weeds and it looking like a jungle…  While I was able to pull weeds for only about 10 min I was struggling with fear. Fear of taking our whole family to a foreign country and exposing everyone to harm. Fear of the world in which we live in and the unknowns that present themselves daily. Fear of health. Fear of…  You name it!  I had to quickly reel my thoughts in and remember that our God, who made Heaven and Earth…  Made everything in it…  He is soooooo much bigger than all of this. I can give Him my worries and fears, He can hold them with just his pinky finger if I’ll let it all go!  That’s the key for me at least…  Letting it go. Not picking it back up again and again, but actually leaving it at His feet!  He’s got all of this. He has our marriage. He has my kiddos. He has our travel plans next month. He has our safety. He has the doctors hands. He can handle it ALL!

Holding onto this simple truth…  I hope you are too!

Sincerely, Dani

And because I’m having to take it easy today…  I’m extremely weak and fatigued…  Look at the gorgeous and fun views I’m getting to take in…  Love each of them so much!image image image image image

Hubs starts treatment…

I’m sooooo tired, so I’ll make this short tonight. Cory and I were at the doctor shortly after 8 am today. Cory started his IV therapy today to prepare for Germany with PTC and Glutathione. imageHis IVs went well, but it was so hard to see him start this battle with me…  You know how you’d take all the hurt away from your loved ones if you could?  Well, in this case I’ve given it all to them instead. 😩  I cannot go back in time. I can’t dwell in the past. And I cannot beat myself up anymore…  Now is the time to move on and count blessings, so that’s where I’m trying to stay each moment of each and every day!

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I began my morning with Neuro Prolotherapy.  Another first for me today, and a welcomed one in hopes of eliminating my constant head, neck and shoulder pain. The doctor injected about a dozen sites with dextrose…  I could honestly feel some relief instantly. My pain is not gone, but it is a couple levels lower up there…  And I’ll take that as I’ve had my migraine for about 11 weeks now without relief.  I also started high dose vitamin c infusions today which after we finally gave up on getting my veins to cooperate for the catheter, took about 1 1/2 hours to receive. We had to forego the catheter again today as my veins collapsed three times again and I’m quite bruised for the day.image

Im having a better day than yesterday for sure, and I’m soooooo thankful!  Thank you for your prayers today, I really felt them!

Unfortunately, Cory has not been feeling so well…  Poor guy has been struggling with severe brain fog, and just all over feeling awful. He ended his day by coming down with one of his horrible migraines that he can get from time to time. He’s been in bed since early evening and in so much pain. Please pray that this passes and doesn’t keep him up all night.

I head back to the doctor tomorrow morning for more IVs and then for a colonic early afternoon. We will also try to place the catheter again tomorrow…


They looked happy here though… We snuck out quickly and got some birthday gift ideas for little Grey Everly who will turn 6 in Germany! Silly kiddos!❤️

Special prayer request for today:  kiddos need to hear some good news soon. Maybe see mom and daddy feeling good, less stressed, and able to play with them for a bit…  Even just a short time!  They have not complained, but I’m gone a lot now and they are spending so much time alone and I can see the worry on all three of their faces at times.

Sure love each of you!  Thank you for your prayers, support, and shares!  One thing I know…  God is good all the time!  ALL the time!
Psalm 27:13-14(NIV)

13 I remain confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living.
14 Wait for the Lord;
be strong and take heart
and wait for the Lord.

Sincerely, Dani